Friday, November 15, 2013

a simple infinity scarf on the serger

This project is super quick, and a big style impact! I had to share it with you! I had a long, narrow (8'-10") strip leftover from another project (I think it's what I had to cup off to shorten a summer maxi-skirt). It's a  lightweight, woven fabric with a great pattern. All I did was finished the long, raw edges on the serger, then sew the short ends together (also on the serger). VOILA! Instant awesome accessory!

You could make one this simple, too! Choose a fabric that looks good on the reverse side, too, as both sides will show when you wear it. If you don't have a serger, you could use a jersey fabric and skip sewing up the long, unfinished edges all together. The jersey shouldn't unravel, plus it will tend to roll and cover up the raw edge anyway.


  1. I love infinity scarfs, they are such a good way to use up those larger pieces of scrap fabric. Your fabric is very pretty

    1. I'm so into infinity scarves right now, too! And I really LOVE this fabric! I
      I'm glad I was able to get two projects out of it!
