When I first discovered the sewing-blog scene, before I decided to start sewing again, I read about Me-Made-May and knew that was going to become my goal. And now after only 4 month of sewing, I'm doing it!
Here is my pledge verbatim from So Zo, What Do You Know?:
'I, Rachel of sewrachel.blogspot.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear a minimum of 1 self made garment at least 2 days per week for the duration of May 2013'
That's the great thing about the So Zo pledge, you can make it whatever works for you. Some people will pledge to wear ONLY handmade all month, or at least one handmade garment every day, while others pledge once a week. Some will pledge to make a certain number of items during May as well. It's whatever works for YOU. And you get a great little badge to put on your webpage or blog sidebar! So what are you waiting for? Read the rules and make your pledge here.
For me, I know there was no way I could wear handmade every day for a month after only 4 months of garment making. I was already doing my own Made-By-Me Tuesdays, so I thought I'd step it up one more notch and add another day of self-made clothing. I'll post pictures here as the month continues for you to see my outfits!